Inspirational and Empowering Child Care Business Owners To Build Successful Child Care Businesses

Posts tagged ‘gossip’

How To Make Your Child Care Business a Great Place to Work

staffDo you have a high turnover in your Child Care Business? Is Gossip a Big problem in your Business? Are your employees calling off all the time?

If you answered yes to at least two of the questions above, I have some ideas that will help you to create a better work environment for your employees!

I’m going to be honest with you! My biggest struggle in the business of Child Care is dealing with all the issues that come with having employees. However, I realized that I had to focus on building a great place to work and not the issues that could come with having employees.So I made a few changes and I’m going to share them with you today.

  1. Plan fun events for you and your team such as a Monthly potluck. On Friday October 9, 2015, I decided to have my first seafood potluck with my team. I was surprised to know that many of my staff members love seafood!! We had crab legs, shrimp, crab fettuccine and so much more. Moreover, the moral was very high that day.
  2. Reward your employees for having perfect attendance (if your budget allows). When you show your appreciation for punctuality, your employees will do more of what you praise! Ideas: Give perfect attendance certificates, consider giving a monthly bonus or $20-25 or give a spa gift bag. What ever you choose to give, show your appreciation to those dependable employees.
  3. Be a Positive Leader. when I hire new employees, many of the employees often seem to open up to me and tell me that their old bosses lacked people skills. People love to work for positive leaders.
  4. Plan Fun outings with your staff. This year I did something that I had never done before, I invited my team members to join me at a Joyce Meyers conference. In fact, four of my staff members joined me and we had a great time!!
  5. Invest in your employees. Train them, mentor and coach them. I recently had an employee to come into my office just to tell me that she appreciated the fact that I took a chance to hire her and she appreciated the fact that I mentor her. **She made my day!

I hope that you  have been inspired you to take a closer look at how you manage your assistants or staff members. Furthermore, I want you to know that when your employees are happy working for you, they will go beyond your expectations.

It’s time to get to work on creating a great place to work!

Shiketa Morgan

For more Business management or Leadership tips, Check out my Inspired Center Owner Audio Coaching Series. Click here

How to Stop Gossip In Your Child Care Business


Earlier this week I posted a question on the Child Care Business Owner page. The question was as follows: Describe your top challenges that you are having with employees. One of the Center Owners indicated that she was having issues with gossip.

Seven years ago this was an issue in my Child Care Center. In fact, I wrestled with the issue for about a year. As I grew as a Leader and began to promote a positive workplace, and got rid of the bad apples; I no longer have the issue of Gossip!

Gossip will ruin your business if you don’t get it under control!

I’m not saying that you can totally eliminate Gossip, however, I am saying that you can start by promoting a positive work with some preventive measures  and by implementing a few simple employee management strategies.

Be sure to Listen to my audio below and leave your comments below.

To Your Success,


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