Inspirational and Empowering Child Care Business Owners To Build Successful Child Care Businesses

Posts tagged ‘dealing with difficult employees’

Developing The Leader Within You Will Change Your Business

My Leadership Journey….

I realized the importance of having great leadership skills when I expanded my home daycare into a center. In fact, my poor leadership skills had a huge impact on my business including; my response to creating change, managing employees, my attitude toward negative employees or even dealing with difficult parents and most of all….my role as the leader in my business.

After I finished typing the paragraph above, I thought, Wow…I was a mess! Yes, I was ready to expand my business, yet…I was not prepared for all that came with owning a center with 4-6 employees, managing a six-figure salary, conducting business meetings, mentoring employees and so much more that comes with owning a center.

After experiencing 2-years of having a high turnover rate, hiring the wrong people and having a bad attitude about my business, I was ready to make a change. That change was to Develop the Leader Within me!

Change the Leader…Change the Organization.~John  C. Maxwell 

I agree 100% with the John Maxwell Quote above.  In fact, reading John Maxwell Books is what changed my business; helped me to discover my strengths as a business owner and inspired me develop my leadership skills.

Moreover, reading John Maxwell books helped me to discover that the problem was not my employees, it was not the parents, the problem was my attitude about the issues that I was facing.

As I developed my leadership skills, every time that a problem occurred, I reflected on how I could effectively handle it.

I must say that as my leadership skills improved, I was able to restore the unity on my team, my worst employee became my best employee, I developed a supportive relationship with my parents, I trained my employees to be leaders so that they were more effective and the morale in my business improved dramatically.

To be quite honest with you, those changes did not take place over night, however, it did take a period of three years to see some consistency in my leadership and I am still growing as a leader today.

As I write this post, I have 23 employees and I must say that if I had not spent years growing as a leader, I would not be a happy boss lady.

In fact, I take the time to connect with my employees and I value their role in my centers. Furthermore, I believe that if I had not grown as a leader, my business would not have grown into 2 locations with a team of 23.

In Summary, I believe that growing as a Leader, will only grow your Business!

Home providers: If you do not have a desire to expand your business, please know that developing your leadership skills will be quite beneficial to you. In fact, it will empower you to think big for your home based business, gain influence with parents and it will give you vital skills that you need to lead assistants that may work with you in your home.

For Leadership tips, be sure to download my Inspired Child Care Center Owner Audio Coaching Series. click here

Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership.~John Maxwell

Your Child Care Business Coach,

Shiketa Morgan

If you liked this post, you will love this one–> click here

How To Build Healthy Relationships With Parents & Staff


In my 14 years of being a Child Care Business Owner I have discovered this: Your ability to connect with others has a great impact on your Business success. 

In fact, as I discovered how to connect with parents…. my relationship with my parents improved.

Also, when I expanded from a home provider to a center, I noticed that my turnover rate was very high. I was informed that childcare centers have high turn over rates. For some reason I could not accept that answer.

Recently, I did some reflection about my past staff turnover rate and I asked one of my long time employees this question: What do you think has impacted my turnover rate?

She said to me: “You are a great boss with high expectations, however, the one complaint that employees have mentioned to me is the fact that you seem to be insensitive to the needs of others.

I was so glad, that I humbled myself and received feedback from one of my best employees. In fact, her feedback was so valuable to the success of my center and she was glad I asked.

However, I was not shocked to hear that response, because I knew that it was time for me to work on connecting with my employees and become a better listener.

I shared my experience with you, because it is so common for Employers to be insensitive to their staff and I was one of them.

That feedback, has helped me to move forward knowing the truth and not walking in denial. It’s so easy to blame your staff, however, as a leader; you must first look at yourself.

I strongly believe that everyone is not meant to be on your team, however, it is vital that you continue to grow as a leader so that you can attract and retain great people.

If you are having difficulty building strong relationships with your team or parents, it could be that you simply need to educate yourself on how to connect with others.

It is always my pleasure to share from my journey and I hope that this post has been of great value to you.

In 2008, I bought the book, Winning with people by John Maxwell and that book empowered me to connect with difficult people and to improve my people skills.

Recently, I decided to listen to the book as a refresher, so that I can continue to focus on building healthy relationships as I move forward on my  Business Journey.

I want to share the Audio Book: Wining With People With you. (The audio book is below).

(The audio is 2 hours)

I look forward to your feedback!


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