Inspirational and Empowering Child Care Business Owners To Build Successful Child Care Businesses

Posts tagged ‘communication with parents in your daycare’

Educating and Partnering With Parents

family reading 2

When parents choose you as a childcare provider, they trust that you are the professional and the best person to care for their child. Also, parents want their children to have access to educational materials while in your care and they may have ideas.

Be open to receive educational ideas of the parents and be sure that the suggestions are age appropriate the age of the child. ( See Developmentally Appropriate Practices)

For example: You may have a mother to request that her 1 1/2 year old use work sheets. Research shows that a toddler loves to put things in his or her mouth and learn from his or world through exploration. So I suggest that you educate your parent about your curriculum and what educational activities are appropriate for children, as you consider implementing their ideas.

Moreover, when parents have a better understanding of what is appropriate for the age of their child, their educational ideas will seem more realistic.

Every year I hold a PTA Conference call with my parents to listen to their ideas for our curriculum theme and many of the parents simply want their children to be prepared for Kindergarten.

I look forward to your feedback….


Ideas For Positive Interactions with Parents

Your relationship with parents is a vital part of your business success. In fact, when you have positive interactions with parents, this will increase your chances of parents telling others about you. Moreover, people love to do business with friendly people.

Today I am going to share with you, how to have positive interactions with parents upon arrival and at pick-up time.

Arrival Time

Upon arrival,  be sure to greet the parents and children with a warm smile and by saying  “Good Morning!” Also as the parents leave to go off to work, don’t forget to say,”Have a Great day.”

Moreover, as the parents and the children are saying their good byes, make sure that you are available to answer any questions  that the parent may have.

Pickup Time-

As parents arrive to pick-up their children, greet them with a warm hello and a smile. Moreover, be sure to ask; “How was your day?”

Also, be ready to give the parents some encouraging words, because you just may have a parent that had a bad day.

If you are a home provider, keep the conversation brief, so that you do not take your focus away from the other children in your care. If the parent is a talker….. simply say, I would love to finish this conversation with you, however I must get back to work or to the children.

A Positive interaction with parents at arrival and pick-up time sends the impression that you care, you are grateful for their business and that you are Professional.  Also, People love to do business with friendly people!

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