Inspirational and Empowering Child Care Business Owners To Build Successful Child Care Businesses

Posts tagged ‘family home childcare provider’

2014 Child Care Trends For Family Home Child Care Providers

As I prepare to host the upcoming Child Care Business Owner Teleseminar, I decided to do some research on what is trending in the Child Care Industry for 2014 and I discovered the following Trends on the National  Association For Family Child Care website:

1)     Competition from other child care programs will continue to increase.

2)      There will be more competition from providers exempt from regulation.

3)      There will be more competition from large child care centers.

4)      Parents will demand more from their caregiver and will be more likely to leave one program
for another.

5)      There will be a greater demand for specialized services.

6)      It will take longer to fill child care openings.

7)      More parents will be looking for objective standards of quality.

8)      More child care programs will close because of financial pressures.

9)      Providers who have good business skills and the ability to communicate with parents will be
more likely to succeed.

Source: NAFCC

My Thoughts about the Trends

I was not surprised to see the above trends, because the #1 complaint that I hear from home providers is: How do I increase my enrollment?

With more competition out there, it is vital that you become a master at marketing your Business and discovering how to stand out from all the rest.

Moreover, parents want quality care and if they have to go from one  child provider to another to get it; they will do that.  One way to assure that you are providing high quality care is to become an educated early childhood professional and/or seek to get your Child Care Program Accredited.

My family home Child Care Business was Accredited by the NAFCC along with my Center. Furthermore,  being Accredited caused my program to standout from the rest and because I provided a high quality program, my family turnover rate was very low. In fact, the average family stayed with me for five years.

According to Trend #8, many day cares will close due to financial pressures, however, I believe that once you learn how to effectively manage your money, you can make it in any season in this business.

Finally, I totally agree with Trend #9, it is vital that you have good Business Skills and master the art of communicating with parents. Parents used to be my #1 issue in my home daycare, however, after educating myself on how to deal with difficult parents and discovering the key to communicating with parents, that is no longer an area that I struggle with.

So with that said, if you want to beat the odds in this business, discover how to deal with the challenges in the industry including: building enrollment and improving your Business Skills, You must grab my Business Makeover Teleseminar audio replays and Virtual Makeover kit today!  click here

To your success,

Shiketa Morgan

Get Empowered in 2014 by Joining the Family Home Child Care Empowerment Club (1-year Membership Club)!


How to Be a More Energized Child Care Business Owner


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There is one thing that I know for sure and that is….IT TAKES A TON OF ENERGY TO OWN A CHILD CARE BUSINESS!

The first time that I discovered how emotionally draining the business could be was in 1999. I was changing a babies diaper and while she was crying, I felt like crying too. I was new to the business and did not realize how much energy it took to care for children.

Thank God…today I have discovered how to be more energized, so that I am emotionally able to handle what comes with the business. In fact, I must say it has taken me 14 years to discover how to be more energized and my hope is that it will not take you that long.

Are you drained at the end of your day? Do you find that you just do not have the energy anymore to handle issues with parents, staff or even deal with fluctuating enrollment?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, I want to share with you 4 ways to be a more energized Child Care Business Owner.

1. Focus

If your focus is on too many things at one time, this will drain you mentally. Try to focus on one thing at a time and refrain from multi- tasking. A focused mind is an energized mind.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

Water energizes the body! According to Live, ” Have a glass of water early in the morning, as soon as possible after you wake up. Spend a few minutes meditating or doing breathing exercises as you sip your water. This will help you clear your mind and energize you for the rest of the day. Do the same before you’re going to bed as a ritual to clear your mind and body of the tensions of the day.”

3. Don’t Let small issues Steal Your Energy
When you intensely focus on an issue for a long period of time, it has the ability to steal your energy. For example, a parent may decide to withdraw a child from your program without giving a notice. If you get upset, you have given that situation too much energy. Simply, stop, focus, call the parent and figure out how you can solve this problem with out getting upset.
4. Think Positive
Positive thoughts + positive energy and feelings. I am reading a book called: The Power of positive thoughts by Normal Peale. In  the book, there is a chapter titled: How to have constant energy and I want to share an excerpt from that chapter of the book:
  ” How we think we feel has a definite effect on how we actually feel physically. If your mind tells you that you are tired, the body mechanism, the nerves and the muscles accept the fact. If your mind is intensely interested, you can keep on at an activity indefinitely.” ~Norman Peale
In summary, think energized thoughts, relax more, practice being centered, enjoy each day in your business, pay attention to your emotions and strive to be more positive!
I hope that I have empowered you to Be an Energized Child Care Business Owner!  I look forward to reading your thoughts about this blog post.
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