Inspirational and Empowering Child Care Business Owners To Build Successful Child Care Businesses

Posts tagged ‘Child Care Business Makeover’

3 Easy Ways To Get Focused

At the beginning of every year, it is quite common to set goals, however the key to reaching your goals is this: You Must make a decision to be Focused! In fact, I believe that you must keep your goals before you.

At my recent Child Care Business Owner Teleseminar, My first Business makeover tip was to “Get Focused“, because I believe that a Distracted Business Owner is all over the place and very unproductive. Moreover, if you want to have a successful business, you must eliminate distractions and get productive!

For example, to keep me focused on the number of spaces that I intend to fill in my Child Care center,  I wrote the numbers down on a piece of construction paper and posted the paper on the wall in my office. (check it out)

As always, I practice what I preach and I have been very focused on my goals. I have one main goal for this Business year and that is to Expand my marketing.

My goal is to market my business to a new audience of parents, so I invested in some advertising on a very popular local news channel.

That investment has taken my marketing to another level, including

Also, My center now has a higher ranking on Google.  I love it! Furthermore, I love the awesome banner ads that came along with my marketing package, because get to also used the banners on my social media pages.

Are you ready to see your dreams and goals manifest? Well, focus is the key to seeing your dreams manifest: Here are 3 easy ways to get Focused:

  1. Plan your day by creating a Priority list. The night before you start your day, use a note pad to write down your top 5 task of the day and do not add anything else to the list until you have completed those task.  You can also use a note pad on your cell phone to store priority list. It is vital that you practice planning how you will spend your time daily. You will feel more organized and more focused. Successful people are planners! * Be sure enrollment building is apart of your daily task
  2. Plan to Keep your office space, center or home organized. Having  a well-organized environment  will help you to feel clear in your mind and feel more organized as you work in that space. It’s difficult to focus in a clutter environment.
  3. Delegate more –So that you can do more of what brings you a higher payoff.  Last year, I delegated party planning to my parents and the parties have been amazing ever since I decided to delegate that task. Also, I recently decided to delegate more duties to my staff and I must say I feel more focused and I empowered my team at the same time. Because of my decision to delegate more, I no longer do bulletin boards, classroom observations, book orders or plan parties. Now my focus is on Business growth, coaching and writing.

Here is something to think about? What do you need to do differently this business year, in order to see different results? What are your goals? I would love to hear from you; Leave your comment below.

Fore more Business tips or to Discover how to makeover your Child Care Business, I want to invite you to download the replays from  my Child Care Business Owner Teleseminar that I hosted on January 3-4, 2014 along with my dynamic Guest Coach, Andrea Dickerson of (I Own a Daycare Network). The  downloads includes: A Child Care Business Owner Virtual Makeover Kit along with 2-hours of replays! Download Your kit  now!

Much Success to You!


There Is Always Room for Improvement In Your Child Care Business

There is always room for improvement and That is  why I am hosting the Child Care Business Owner Business Makeover Tweet Chat!!   In fact, I (along with my Business Makeover Team) will be tweeting Business Makeover tips and chatting with you and other Business owners about your Business Goals for 2014!
You don’t want to miss it…. Be sure to join us by clicking the image below…

You will also have the opportunity to register for the upcoming 2014 Teleseminar at an Early Bird Rate! Subscribe to the pre-event email list for event updates and to receive Business Makeover Tips!

Tell me what you would like to improve in your Business in 2014. Leave your comments below.

That’s all for now and I will be in touch with you soon!!
Shiketa Morgan

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