Inspirational and Empowering Child Care Business Owners To Build Successful Child Care Businesses

Posts tagged ‘Training Child Care Workers’

How to Effectively Supervise Your Staff

staffMany years ago I heard Bob Harrison say this, ” People don’t do what is expected, but people do what is inspected.” I have found this principle to be so true when it comes to supervising employees. In other words, if you want your staff or assistant to do what you desire them to do, you must have an inspection system.

Today I am going to share with you 3 easy ways to effectively supervise your staff.

  1. Manage your Center or Your Home daycare by walking around. If your team know that you are not watching, they may get too comfortable. Also, being actively involved in your Child Care Business, is a great way to see what is going on in your Business. Bob Harrison calls this method the “MBA”: Managing your business by walking around.
  2. Let your staff know that you have a system in place that assures that your Child Care program provides quality care. For example, every Monday, I observe each classroom based on my center policies, Accreditation guidelines and licensing regulations. I believe this is a proactive way of supervising my staff. I evaluate the health/safety practices of the teachers, child-teacher interactions, planning practices and so much more. Furthermore, I look to see that activities are being implemented and a few other routine duties.
  3. Finally….Plan to take the time to mentor your staff or assistants. recently I discovered a bible scripture in the book of Luke and it says: “Everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.” So, in other words…..if you want your staff to be as effective as you are, it is vital that you train them.

For more information on how to empower your Staff, be sure to sign-up for my 21-Day Mastermind eCourse for Child Care Business Owners, that desire to improve their Business Management and leadership skills.  (see my Online Institute)Click here

To your Success,


5 Effective Ways To Train a New Child Care Worker

How to Train a New Child Care Worker?

Earlier this week, one of my Facebook friends sent me an inbox message and she asked me if I had a resource on Training New Staff Members.
I was glad that she asked that question, because I have several resources that will empower home providers and center owners in the arena of staff management.

However, before I share the links with you, I want to share 5 Effective Ways to Train a New Child Care Worker:

  1. Plan a new employee orientation that consists of the following: meeting co-workers, review job duties, give the new employee a tour of his or her work environment, plan time to complete tax forms; review policies and procedures,etc.
  2. On the employee’s first day; provide hands-on-training for the employee or pair the employee up with your best worker. (Modeling is a great way to train new employees)
  3. On the second day, give the employee some space to do his or her job and stay close by to answer any questions.
  4. At the end of the employee’s work week, ask the employee how did his or her week go? Get feedback and provide support!
  5. Take some time to observe the employee during the first 3 weeks of employment, because the way that an employee is trained, is how they will continue to work.

For more staff management resources I would like to recommend that you check out the following:

21 Day Mastermind eCourse (find course in online Institute)
Director’s Handbook
The Art of Owning a CenterTo Your Success!

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