Inspirational and Empowering Child Care Business Owners To Build Successful Child Care Businesses

Posts tagged ‘expansion’

Increase Thinking for Childcare Business Success

My new book is all about Increase thinking and developing a wealthy mindset. In fact, my Business did not grow until I got rid of poverty thinking. In my new book, I share my journey of how I overcame poverty thinking and embraced a mindset of Increase!

Are you tired of lack? Do you constantly worry about money? Are most of your business decisions fear based? If so, I want to inspire you to get a copy of my new book, Pivoting from a Poverty Mindset to a millionaire Mindset today.

During the month of August and September, I will be recording podcast Episodes about each chapter of the book.

Visit my website today, download the ebook or order a hardback copy of my book and be inspired to think Bigger! click here

With Your Business Success in Mind!

Shiketa Morgan

Moving Your Daycare From Your Home to a Center by Faith


I started my Family home child care business in 1998. In 1999, my daycare was state licensed and four years later, I was tired of the daycare being in my home.

My home felt like a business and not home, so I needed to make a change!

I thought about opening a center. So, I bought a Child Care Center Management book and to be quite honest, the book prepared me for the administrative side of owning a center.

For several months, I took the time to plan my expansion and I visualized my self owning a center.  In the fall of 2002, I began to look for a building.

I found my first building in November 2002 and we moved in the building on April 1, 2003.

If you desire to move your daycare out of your home, this is the time to activate your Faith!! After all, it is your Faith that will attract what you desire for your Business!!

In fact, this is the time to do something. Start reading books, start looking for that building, get a Business Coach and get prepared for Your Business Expansion..

I know that it is easier to stay in your home. However, if you desire to own a center, then go for it. Are you worried about managing employees? If so, get empowered as you listen to my Art of Owning a Center Audio Coaching series.

 If you take the time to empower yourself, you will Succeed!!

Here are a few suggestions for you:

  1. Keep quiet about your expansion plan until you sign a lease on your building.
  2. Once you find a building, give your parents a notice. In the notice, give them a time line of how long the expansion process will take.
  3. If the children in your home daycare are coming with you, let the parents know if there will be a price increase.
  4. Decide what equipment you will take to your center and what you will sale.
  5. As you expand, you may need to spend time at the center, so decided how you will need an assistant to help you. (inform parents of this plan)
  6. Parents will support your expansion plan, as long as you communicate with them. Business growth is always exciting!
  7. Prepare a Start-up budget.

That was just a few suggestions that I have for moving from a home to a center. For more expansion tips, download my book: Child Care Business Expansion Guide.

Be sure to subscribe to this blog series to read upcoming blog Posts:  Developing Your Faith For Multiple locations and Tips for Activating Your Faith For Child Care Business Success!

To Your Success,

Shiketa Morgan

Recommended Reading:

Doing Business by Faith

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